How The Gild Solves Dirty Dish Drama
Quote from Peter Gelderloos' "Anarchy Works"
If a man interfered in the women's sphere of activity or abused his wife, the women had a ritual of collective solidarity that preserved the balance and punished the offender, called "sitting on a man:' All the women would assemble outside the man's house, yelling at him and insulting him in order to cause him shame. Ifhe did not come out to apologize the mob ofwomen might destroy the fence around his house and his outlying storage buildings. If his offense were grievous enough, the women might even storm into his house, drag him out, and beat him up. When the British colonized the Igbo, they recognized men's institutions and economic roles, but ignored or were blind to the corresponding women's sphere of social life. When Igbo women responded to British indecency with the traditional practice of "sitting on a man," the British, possibly mistaking it for a women's insurrection, opened fire, putting an end to the gender-balancing ritual and cementing the institution ofpatriarchy in the society they had colonized.s
Highly recommended! Enjoy!
Call out for Artists: Public Space Takeover in MONTREAL
Montreal’s public space is presently under attack by commercial media companies - Pattison, CBS Outdoor and Astral Media. Here and in many cities around the world, these companies are using our streets for commercial purposes (by legal and illegal means), while neglecting to think about the communities that they affect. It is time to put an end to this and collectively design our streets and spaces to be as participatory, cultural, artistic and stimulating as our communities are.
We’re emailing you today because we need your help as local and global artists, activists and citizens to get this project rolling!! We’ve attached a callout with information about artistic submissions and other ways you can get involved in this amazing community project.
Because we intend this art collage to be a surprise to the community, we ask that you exercise caution when distributing this information. If you know others who would want to jump on board, but don’t feel comfortable passing the info along, we can contact them! You can email us here:montrealespace@gmail.com
Our streets should be a community canvass, not a corporate one.