

Today is my day friends! Yes! I, like Regina Spektor, am one of those many, or one of those few, who sees the number 11:11 everywhere I go! Well now all of you do as well! I've researched this phenomena extensively in my life and rest assured, all it means is that aliens are trying to contact us through our brain waves.

No biggie.

So if, in the span of today, you seem to be receiving thoughts into your brain that are not your own, write them down! Them aliens might know how to make those hover skateboards from back to the future, and we don't want to miss our world-wide chance to have that information shared with our puny little planet!

But for reals, here's some things it would be nice for you to do this year if you haven't already:


drink alcohol

use plastic

sit on Facebook

complain about your relationship and not do anything about it

hang out with people you don't really care about

buy from corporations you know are doing awful things in the world

eat out

shop to make yourself feel better

throw things out before trying to fix them


Shop at ethical food stores

Grow your own food


Create public intervention art

watch documentaries

talk to people about how you really feel

write in your journal

make your house more whimsical

ride unicorns

practice astral projection

write love notes to friends and strangers for no reason

call your mom

do things outside

stop drinking milk

And most importantly,

Hang out with Girls from The Gild!!!

Happy 1/1/11 Everyone!

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